nutrition advice selby, fruit on a healthy green.

Nutrition Advisor

What you put in your body has a huge affect on what you can ask your body to do.

healthy fruit salad

healthy glass of water

Your body is amazing but sometimes we don't provide it with what it needs to do what we want. I can provide weight loss, lifestyle nutrition advice and nutrition and hydration advice for exercise programmes. Your body's needs can be complex to function correctly but with my advice I will help make it easy to put your new eating habits into practice and maintain them.

You can achieve good results with exercise, however, team it with the right foods and those good results become great!

Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, build strength, run a marathon; I can guarantee well balanced nutrition advice tailored for you will be essential to achieving your goals.

It may also be worth mentioning - I don't do diets and I never ask my clients to follow a diet or give up their favourite treat. Life is too short, yes we want to live our life as healthy as possible and achieve as much as we can, but we all have something we don't want to live without so why take it away altogether, we can still achieve.

I begin by looking at your current routine and work around it so that it is easier for you to implement the healthier or required changes. I can analyse your current food intake and check your carbohydrates, proteins and fats (yes you can eat carbs!).

I also look at your vitamin and mineral intake and then work with you and around your lifestyle constraints (eg shift patterns, family likes and dislikes, financial and time constraints) to then put in place lifestyle changes which over time transform your food intake to help provide your body with what it needs to reach your goals while also enabling you to achieve a healthier you.

I am able to provide nutrition advice for vegan, vegetarian and plant-based diets. Careful planning is needed to ensure all nutrient requirements are met, and it’s also key to ensure the food is still interesting, tasty and with lots of variety.

I mostly work by layering in nutrition and lifestyle changes to improve nutrient intake, but meal plans are available if we both decide this is the better option for you.

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